Your account number will begin with 200.
For assistance, please contact your office as noted below. Please have your account number ready for faster service.
Corporate Office
1275 Center Court Drive
Covina, CA 91724-3695
626-967-7921 - Phone
626-966-3918 – Fax
Camarillo Office
1100 Flynn Rd, Ste. 204
Camarillo, CA 93012
Each department and its general services are outline below.
ACCOUNTING - Inquiries regarding your billing, status of your account, to see if a payment has been received, questions on demand letter received, status of a check to be paid to you or other financial questions.
Accounting Clerk:
Eyda Cardenas - Ext. 3323
[email protected]
COLLECTIONS - Inquiries if your account has been assigned by your community to an attorney for dues collection.
Collections Clerk:
Desiree Zabala - Ext. 3337
[email protected]
COMMUNITY SERVICES - Community information, calls on maintenance problems, architectural approval, rules and regulations, meeting information, key/gate cards, correspondence and other general community concerns.
Community Assistant:
Jessica Gutierrez - Ext. 5003
[email protected]
Community Association Manager:
Alison Arnold - Ext. 5001
[email protected]
ESCROW - Escrow demands, lender certification, closed escrows.
Escrow Clerk:
Michelle Soto - Ext. 8
[email protected]
INSURANCE - Inquiries regarding community insurance or proof of insurance.
Insurance Clerk:
Ari Anaya - Ext. 3341
[email protected]
INSURANCE - Inquiries regarding insurance claims.
Insurance Clerk:
Ari Anaya - Ext. 3341
[email protected]